November 28, 2023

Long Term Care in Portugal

In this webinar, Green Ocean Global CEO/Founder John McNertney CFP® GFP (USA) and Serenity CEO Michael Averbukh MD MHA went over "Long Term Care in Portugal" and what you should know but wish you didn't.

Some of the relevant issues that were addressed include:​

  • Senior care presents a number of unpredictable costs.
  • These costs can be managed in a variety of different ways. Due to the personal nature of the aging process, it can be difficult to find your ‘best way’ to address your physical and mental needs as you age.
  • Different countries present a new challenge: How do the local resources in your new country work? In particular, Portugal has a less robust industry. Part of this is economics, part of this is cultural. We will talk about both these aspects.
  • A client we met with asked whether there is an industry that can be “Plugged Into”. No, but yes; a number of new providors are emerging to address this. Also, aging in place can be a viable option if you plan ahead.
  • What’s one question you get asked about this topic. “Will i need to go back to the United States as I age? Does the healthcare industry, and/or insurance cover me?

We hope you enjoy!