Our Process

It Starts With You

Our process begins with getting to know you and your goals. Tell us where you want to go, and we'll work with you to develop a plan that reflects your vision of the future.

Fit Meeting

  • Personal and Professional Philosophy Match:  This part of the meeting focuses on ensuring that the our professional philosophies and approach to financial management align with your personal values and expectations. It's essential for building a trusting and effective relationship.
  • Communication and Working Style Compatibility: Discussion around preferred methods and frequency of communication, decision-making processes, and overall working styles. This ensures both parties feel comfortable with how they will interact and collaborate over time.
  • Service Expectations and Scope Clarity: Clarification of the services we offer, any specific expertise (like sustainable investing or estate planning), and your expectations around these items. We will revisit compensation, any potential conflicts of interest, and ensuring that you fully understands what they can expect from the relationship.

Discovery Meeting

  • Understanding Client Goals and Financial Situation: We will begin by getting to know you: Your personal and financial goals, current financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, debts, and any existing investment strategies. This understanding forms the foundation of personalized financial planning.
  • Risk Tolerance and Investment Experience Assessment: An in-depth discussion about the your risk tolerance, investment preferences, and past experiences with investments will take place. This ensures that any proposed strategies align with the client’s comfort level and investment knowledge.
  • Outline of Financial Planning Process and Services: We’ll explain the GOGA approach to financial planning, including the steps involved in developing a personalized financial plan, the scope of services offered (such as retirement planning, estate planning, investment management), and how we’re compensated. This part aims to set clear expectations and establish transparency.

Detailed Planning

  • Comprehensive Financial Analysis: A thorough review of the your complete financial picture, including detailed income, expenses, assets, liabilities, insurance coverages, and tax considerations. This step is crucial for identifying financial strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
  • Strategic Financial Goal Setting and Prioritization: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound financial goals based on the client's personal and financial situation. This involves prioritizing these goals to address the most critical or time-sensitive issues first, such as debt reduction, savings, or investment strategies.
  • Creation and Discussion of the Initial Financial Plan: Presentation of a customized financial plan that outlines recommended strategies for achieving your financial goals. This could include investment recommendations, retirement planning, estate planning strategies, and risk management. We’ll also explain the rationale behind each recommendation, allowing for an open discussion to ensure the plan aligns with your expectations and comfort levels.

Ongoing Support

  • Review and Update Financial Goals and Plan: Regularly scheduled reviews of your financial goals and the progress made towards achieving them. This includes adjustments to your financial plan to reflect any significant life changes, such as an international move, a career change, or retirement.
  • Performance Evaluation and Adjustment of Investments: Analysis of the performance of your investment portfolio against benchmark indices and your investment objectives. Recommendations for adjustments to the investment strategy may be made to better align with the client's goals, risk tolerance, and market opportunities.
  • Tax Planning and Estate Planning Updates: Discussion of any recent or anticipated changes in tax legislation that could affect the your financial strategy, as well as updates to estate planning documents to ensure they remain in alignment with the your wishes. This could involve coordinating with tax professionals and estate planning attorneys to implement comprehensive strategies.